Passing through life
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
A Litany to B
What an enchantment it was
to know I had moved on.
When my heart flutters with
the mere mention of Adams son.
Oh! I haven't forgotten the pasts
I have encountered with,
Still the ray of hope shone
with a glimpse of a new seed.
And again destiny's wheels revolved
with this tedious cycle.
Would I forever be in the hand's of
fate's cruel triangle?
Would I forever choose between
the lesser and the greater?
For one would be bitter
and the other much sweeter.
Should I settle for friendship's embrace?
or would I turn my back and
be further humiliated and be disgraced?
Should I fight for love's vibrant kisses?
or should I sit in a corner and count all of my wishes?
But in the end I know whom to choose,
the beauty that makes you happy...
and then I lose.
Posted by LyZa ::
6:45 AM ::
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