Passing through life

Sunday, November 06, 2005

it's what? one year and almost a month now. and i still can't (or should i say, i don't want) seem to forget you. how could i? when everything seems to remind me of you. when everytime i see people walking past me i'm still hoping it's you. when everytime some laughter reaches my ears, i'm still dreaming it's your voice that i hear. and you told me that i would meet someone new. and you told me it was just infatuation in my part. and you told me to cool it off because how in a world that someone like you would like a girl like me. so, u like guys (big deal). friends keep telling me to forget you. because you were not worth it. because you were someone i can't be with. because i am not your type of gender. because... blah, blah, blah. i went numb because of you.

enough of the drama.

tomorrow's the big day! classes all over again. it's actually my second sem. and what a hectic schedule it is! but i'm really excited with the new subjects. i'm definitely not gonna fail one major. i have my life planned out already. after my subjects i still got some internship to finish in one year. then i would take my board exam. hopefully i will pass in my first try. while at it, i will take up crash courses in french. then i will apply for a student visa for canada. i'm definitely decided to take up law. i'm gonna be working while studying there. i hope my plans will not be altered. i'm tired being the renegade in the family. it's time to take control of everything.

Posted by LyZa :: 7:02 PM :: 1 Comments:

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