Passing through life
Thursday, March 02, 2006
weird things just happen once in a while
it all started with a simple glance on the beach. warm water lapping our body up. seeing each other again on the showers. both can't control their emotions. with a simple lip locking which turned into a more serious intimate adversaries. can't get enough with each other. hands prowling where heat is the most intimate source. licking everything away with those sweet lips of yours. then as time and space combined with ecstasy, passion is spent with eternity.
weird how that dream came back to me. first experienced that dream when i was still 15 years old. recurring dreams. just kept coming back when i was that age. don't know the guy that time. and it stopped when i was 18.
and now, it's here again. just last night. saw you again. and what's totally amazing is now i know who it is.
it's you.
au revoir for now. I luv B.
Posted by LyZa ::
4:24 PM ::

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